Recipe: Sunshine Tomato Toast

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  1. Sunshine Tomato Toast with “Lemon Boy” tomatoes and green & purple basil that came straight from the #ToFoodiesGardens. We haven’t really posted about it much on the feed, but my rooftop garden has been giving such a bounty of fresh herbs and vegetables. This was one of the first tomatoes that came ripe from my Lemon Boy plant and it was such a treat to see the tomatoes grow to such a cute medium size, and then fill up with such a gorgeous colour. The tomato plan was acquired from a local corner store and has grown several feet! Most of my other tomato plants were sprouts from seeds, but I still have such an affinity for this plant and got so much joy from taking care of it.

    What to see from the Check out “The Garden!" Instagram Highlight over @tofoodies to see how a tiny tomato seedling grew into the gorgeous yellowy golden tomato variety that you see here! So sweet. So juicy.


    • “Lemon Boy” tomatoes or any larger yellow tomato variety

    • Baguette

    • Green & purple basil leaves

    • Sea salt

    • Cracked black pepper

    • Grana Padano cheese

    • Good olive oil


    1. Toast baguette.

    2. Grate Grana Pandano cheese on the finest setting, into cheese snow.

    3. Sprinkle a good layer of cheese onto hot baguette

    4. Slice tomatoes and place atop the toast.

    5. fill in the holes with green basil and purple basil.

    6. Finish it off with sea salt, olive oil drizzle and cracked black pepper ⠀